Don’t miss our next Events…
Our Christmas (local and delicious) Cheeses are HERE 😍
New just in - locally handmade Christmas Wreaths - supporting local artists and business all in one hit 🙂
New for Christmas this year - our very own Meonstoke PO TEA TOWEL … Perfect gift for friends and family alike 😍
Even better… what about one of these? (With thanks to Hannah Matthews for her awesome design work here…)
Apparently these things are gold dust…. Not here they ain’t 😍
Our order book for (very) locally reared, free range and exquisite Turkeys (and Geese and Duck) is now open…. Click here to order
Random item now back in stock (by popular demand!)
No one is SAYING the C word… we’re just preparing for it…
And if you want plenty of time for brandy feeding, now is the time to get baking 😎